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DeltaQ: Timeout "No progress for n seconds, but data is not complete yet."


The extraction log shows entries like "No progress for n seconds, but data is not complete yet. Waiting…" which eventually results in a timeout.


This happens, when the extraction job on the SAP side is finished (SM37) but IDocs and/or tRFC data packages get stuck on the SAP side or were sent to a different RFC destination. 


List of possible causes and solutions:
  • You are running DeltaQ extractions on the same RFC destination in parallel. Go to transaction SMQS and increase the Max.Conn. value to at least 10. With single DeltaQ extractions, that value should be at least 2.
  • You are running DeltaQ extractions on the same RFC destination (e.g. XTRACT01) in parallel from different computers. In this case IDocs and data packages are sent to the wrong computer.
  • If only data packages are coming through but no IDocs, go to transaction WE20, select your RFC destination (under Partner Type LS), double click on RSINFO and RSSEND and change the output mode to Transfer IDoc Immed.
  • The gateway host / gateway service settings in SM59 are not maintained properly. If you have a message server try to insert the message server details there, if not, put in the application server. Check carefully that these settings fit to the entries in the DeltaQ dialog.
  • You are running SAP’s auxiliary test program called “rfcexec”. This program intercepts outgoing IDocs/tRFC calls. Stop this program.
  • Check SAP note 2556150 - "Transaction Recorded" status in transaction SM58
Creation date: 11/13/2024 12:05 PM      Updated: 11/13/2024 12:05 PM