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DeltaQ: Error when opening an RFC connection (IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS and RSAR_TRFC_DATA_RECEIVED)


When running a DeltaQ extraction you see entries similar to the following in SAP transaction SM58

IDOC_INBOUND_ASYNCHRONOUS: „Error when opening an RFC connection (CPIC-CALL : 'ThSAPOCMINIT', commu Message No. SR053 “.

„Error when opening an RFC connection (CPIC-CALL : 'ThSAPOCMINIT', commu Message No. SR053 “.

In the SM37 job log, you see entries like ARFCSTATE = CPICERR.


SAP tries to send tRFC data packages and IDocs to an SAP Gateway (as specified in the Gateway Host setting of the RFC destination in SM59). Usually, DeltaQ component should have registered an RFC server program on that gateway. For some reason, the required server program is not registered on that gateway.

One possible reason for this error is, that the Gateway host as specified in the DeltaQ component differs from the one specified in SM59.


Make sure the Gateway host as specified in the DeltaQ component matches the one specified in SM59.

Creation date: 11/13/2024 12:01 PM      Updated: 11/13/2024 12:01 PM