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DeltaQ: ERPConnect.CommunicationException: RfcListenAndDispatch failed(RFC_SERIALIZATION_FAILURE)


When using NW RFC library you get the following error during DeltaQ extraction:

ERPConnect.CommunicationException: RfcListenAndDispatch failed(RFC_SERIALIZATION_FAILURE): Incompatible parameter type RFCTYPE_BYTE for parameter I_S_HEADER, type RFCTYPE_STRUCTURE is expected.

When using Classic RFC library, the extraction log shows entries like "No progress for n seconds, but data is not complete yet. Waiting…" which eventually results in a timeout.


On newer SAP releases such as S/4 2023, the default serializer setting for the RFC destination is not set to Classic serializer.
On RFC level, data is transmitted in a way the DeltaQ component can't handle.


Go to SAP transaction SM59.
Edit the RFC destination, e.g. XTRACT01, that you created during DeltaQ customizing.
Go to Special Options tab. Find the Select Protocal setting at the bottom and change the Serializer setting to Classic serializer.

Creation date: 11/13/2024 12:04 PM      Updated: 11/13/2024 12:04 PM