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Xtract Report - Screen output without connection to user

This article describes common error messages and how to handle them when working with the Xtract Report component of Theobald products.


When trying to run the preview in the Xtract Report component, the following Exception occurs:

(RFC_ERROR_SYSTEM_FAILURE) Screen output without connection to user


There are reports that try to show a screen output, e.g., another dynpro. This is not possible when running reports via RFC because no SAP GUI is involved.


Running the report in the background suppresses screen outputs and redirects the output from the Report to the spool. Xtract Report fetches the data from the spool of SAP without any additional settings.

To run a report in background mode, activate the option “Use Batch” in the settings of your Xtract product, as shown in the following screenshot:


This solution is only applicable if the pop-up dynpro is only for information purposes. If the dynpro is awaiting any input, additional SAP user parameter need to be added, which can be used for these required inputs.

The corresponding parameter ID within SAP can be obtained, while pressing F1 help in the selection field and clicking on the technical information button, see sample screenshots:


When trying to run the preview in the Xtract Report component, the following Exception occurs:

(RFC_ABAP_RUNTIME_FAILURE):  - Exception condition "CNTL_ERROR" triggered


There are ABAP reports that expect an installed SAP GUI. The error occurs when calling such a report from a remote machine without an installed SAP GUI.


Activate the option Use SAPGUI in the connection settings of your Xtract product. Using Xtract IS, set the AttachesSapGui property of the Connection Manager to true.

Creation date: 4/12/2022 9:29 AM      Updated: 7/15/2024 4:49 PM
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