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How to activate tracing in ERPConnect

For debugging, you can activate the tracing feature of ERPConnect by setting the Logging = true and the and the Logdir to an existing directory before calling the Open() method (or before Start() if you are using an RFCServer Object).

There are 4 different variations how to set the properties:

1). Logging = false and LogDir = non-existing-path:
Tracing is disabled. No files are generated. (Default)

2). Logging = true and LogDir = non-existing-path:
same as 1)

3). Logging = false und LogDir = existing-path
Tracing is activated, files are generated in the directory specified by LogDir. Only RFC errors are traced.

4). Logging = true und LogDir = existierendes-Verzeichnis
Tracing is activated, files are generated in the directory specified by LogDir. Full RFC traces are generated.

using (R3Connection r3connection = new R3Connection("SAPServer", 00, "SAPUser", "Password", "EN", "800"))
    r3connection.LogDir = @"C:\Temp\Trace";    //  (directory must exist)
    r3connection.Logging = true;               
    // do stuff with r3connection

Creation date: 5/26/2022 8:00 PM      Updated: 5/26/2022 8:00 PM