Proxy server settings in Xtract Universal and Board Connector


Due to corporate network regulations there might be the requirement that all web traffic goes through a web proxy.
This means that Xtract Universal must also connect to a destination (e.g. S3 AWS) via a proxy server.

A proxy server can be configured in Xtract Universal in the following ways:

System wide in the Windows settings

Open the settings Network and Internet in your Windows start menu and set the respective proxy server settings there. When connecting to a destination in Xtract Universal the connection will always be routed through the proxy server.

[insert picture]

Application specific

This can be achieved following the Microsoft guidelines. Modify the Theobald.Xu.Web.Worker.exe.config and the XtractDesigner.exe.config files, that can be found in the Xtract Universal installation folder.
Enter the following section in both files:

        <proxy  proxyaddress="http://[My_Proxyserver]:3128"

Note: Before Xtract Universal version 5.0 the Theobald.Xu.Web.Worker.exe.config was called XtractRun.exe.config. If you use Xtract Universal version <= 4.x, modify the XtractRun.exe.config instead of the Theobald.Xu.Web.Worker.exe.config.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <proxy proxyaddress="http://[My_Proxyserver]:3128" bypassonlocal="true" />
        <!-- ... -->
        <!-- ... -->


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<!-- ... -->
			<proxy  proxyaddress="http://[My_Proxyserver]:3128"

Note: Xtract Universal: Proxy server settings are generic settings and apply to all destinations.

Creation date: 4/13/2022 9:50 AM      Updated: 6/26/2024 5:04 PM
Some answers to questions related to Xtract Universal or Board Connector.