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Error with Table extractions: Theobald.Extractors.Table.TheoReadTableException: Length of the field "ABCD" not valid. Given length is 00000x . Length in SAP is 00000y

When running a Table extraction in one of our Xtract products, the extraction fails with an error message like in the following example:

22 2024-01-09T10:17:52 PT00H00M00.693S E LiveDataExtraction: Theobald.Extractors.Table.TheoReadTableException:   Length of the field VPREH not valid. Given length is 000004 . Length in SAP is 000003
23 2024-01-09T10:17:52 PT00H00M00.693S E LiveDataExtraction:    at Theobald.Extractors.Table.TheoReadTableExtractor.Run(Action`1 processPackage, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
24 2024-01-09T10:17:52 PT00H00M00.693S E LiveDataExtraction:    at Theobald.Extractors.Common.ExtractorBase`1.Run(Action`1 processResult, LoggerBase logger, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
25 2024-01-09T10:17:52 PT00H00M00.693S E LiveDataExtraction:    at Xtract.Run.LiveDataExtraction.ExecuteExtractors(IExtractionDefinition definition, R3Connection connection)
26 2024-01-09T10:17:52 PT00H00M00.693S E LiveDataExtraction:    at Xtract.Run.LiveDataExtraction.Execute()
27 2024-01-09T10:17:52 PT00H00M00.693S E LiveDataExtraction:    at Xtract.Run.ExtractionBase.Execute(DestinationSettings destinationSettings, JobInfo jobInfo)

There is a mismatch between the metadata of that field stored in Xtract and the actual metadata in SAP.

Open the Xtract Table component and click on the Refresh metadata button. This fetches the table's metadata anew.
Alternatively, do a new lookup of the table.

Creation date: 1/10/2024 3:04 PM      Updated: 7/12/2024 2:51 PM